format-version: 1.2 data-version: releases/2014-12-05 date: 04:07:2013 20:24 saved-by: jonathanbard auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.1.1-beta7 default-namespace: anatomical_entity_ontology remark: this version corrects the namespace and includes some flybase alt_IDs ontology: aeo property_value: typeref "anatomical_entity_ontology" xsd:string [Term] id: AEO:0000013 name: single-cell tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003013 def: "Anatomical structure composed of a single cell." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000078 name: lumen of tube namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003078 alt_id: UBERON:0005082 def: "The inner space within a tube." [AEO:JB] synonym: "tube lumen" RELATED [] is_a: AEO:0000221 ! open anatomical space [Term] id: AEO:0000079 name: lumen of epithelial sac namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003079 def: "A small cavity bounded by an epithelium." [AEO:JB] synonym: "cavity of vesicle" RELATED [] is_a: AEO:0000222 ! enclosed anatomical space [Term] id: AEO:0000080 name: foramen namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003080 def: "A hole in a tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical surface [Term] id: AEO:0000081 name: matrix-based tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003081 def: "A tissue whose predominant feature is extracellular matrix which may or may not be highly hydrated or calcified." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000082 name: bone namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003082 def: "Ossified structure that is predominantly extracellular matrix and forms part of the support system of the body." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: AEO:0000083 name: endochondral bone namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003083 def: "Bone that is preformed in cartilage." [AEO:JB, VAO:0000145] is_a: AEO:0000082 ! bone relationship: has_part CL:0000058 ! chondroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000062 ! osteoblast relationship: has_part CL:0000138 ! chondrocyte relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000085 name: membrane bone namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003085 def: "Bone that forms directly from mesenchyme." [AEO:JB, VAO:0000023] is_a: AEO:0000082 ! bone relationship: has_part CL:0000062 ! osteoblast relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000086 name: sesamoid bone namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003086 def: "An endochondral bone that forms within tendenous or ligamentous matrix." [AEO:JB, VAO:0000137] is_a: AEO:0000083 ! endochondral bone relationship: has_part CL:0000058 ! chondroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000138 ! chondrocyte relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000087 name: cartilage namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003087 def: "Dense connective tissue made primarily of type II collagen." [AEO:JB, VAO:0000040] is_a: AEO:0000081 ! matrix-based tissue relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000090 name: ligament namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003090 def: "A strap of predominantly extracellular matrix connecting two bones." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000081 ! matrix-based tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000057 ! fibroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000091 name: tendon namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003091 def: "A strap of predominantly extracellular matrix connecting a muscle to a bone." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000081 ! matrix-based tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000057 ! fibroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000092 name: aponeurosis namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003092 def: "A sheet of extracellular matrix." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000081 ! matrix-based tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell relationship: has_part CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell [Term] id: AEO:0000093 name: non-connected functional system namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003093 alt_id: FBbt:00007278 def: "An anatomical group whose component structures share a common function." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000041 ! anatomical cluster [Term] id: AEO:0000094 name: sense organ namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003094f alt_id: FBbt:00005155 def: "Multicellular anatomical structure with largely bona fide boundary that transduces some sensory stimulus to the nervous system." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000024 ! compound organ [Term] id: AEO:0000095 name: fluid-based anatomical entity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003095 def: "Fluid anatomical entity containing cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: AEO:0000096 name: gland namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003096 def: "A multi-tissue structure that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: AEO:0000097 name: ducted gland namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003097 def: "A gland that releases its secretion through a duct." [AEO:JB] synonym: "exocrine gland." RELATED [] is_a: AEO:0000096 ! gland [Term] id: AEO:0000098 name: ductless gland namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003098 def: "A gland that releases its secretion directly into the bloodstream, or equivalent for an invertebrate." [AEO:JB] synonym: "endocrine gland." RELATED [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000096 ! gland [Term] id: AEO:0000099 name: keratin-based structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003099 def: "Acellular anatomical structure whose predominant constituent is keratin." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000040 ! acellular anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000100 name: chitin-based structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003100 def: "Acellular anatomical structure whose predominant constituent is chitin." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000040 ! acellular anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000103 name: body namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003103 def: "The region of the organism associated with the visceral organs." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000032 ! organism subdivision [Term] id: AEO:0000106 name: head namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003106 def: "The region of the body containing the brain and mouth." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000032 ! organism subdivision [Term] id: AEO:0000108 name: neck namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003108 def: "The region of the body connecting the head and the body." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000032 ! organism subdivision [Term] id: AEO:0000109 name: tail namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003109 def: "An external caudal extension of the body." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000193 ! appendage [Term] id: AEO:0000111 name: mesothelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003111 def: "Epithelium derived from mesenchyme." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000070 ! simple squamous epithelium [Term] id: AEO:0000114 name: epithelial tube namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003114 def: "An epithelial structure capable of allowing fluid flow." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000115 name: epithelial sac namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003115 def: "An epithelial pouch with a single opening." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000117 name: arborising epithelial duct system namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003117 def: "A group of connected epithelial tubes with a single portal." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000115 ! epithelial sac relationship: has_part CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000118 name: epithelial plexus namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003118 def: "A network of interlinking epithelial tubes." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000114 ! epithelial tube relationship: has_part CL:0000068 ! duct epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000119f name: epithelial vesicle namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003119 def: "A closed epithelium with a lumen." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000122 name: muscle tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003122 def: "A tissue composed of myoblasts or muscle cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000123 name: neural tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003123 def: "Tissue composed predominantly of neurons." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000125 name: developing anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003125 alt_id: UBERON:0005423 def: "A structure whose morphology or state of differentiation will change during normal development." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000126 name: larva namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003126 def: "A post-embryonic juvenile form which will undergo metamorphosis to become the adult." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000012 ! multi-cellular organism [Term] id: AEO:0000127 name: apoptosing developing anatomical entity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003127 def: "An embryonic anatomical structure undergoing apoptosis." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure relationship: has_part CL:0000445 ! apoptosis fated cell [Term] id: AEO:0000129 name: functioning and developing structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003129 def: "An embryonic entity that displays a physiological function but whose strucuture is not yet fully formed." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000131 name: developing structure with stem cells namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003131 def: "Embronic structure that contains stem cellsr that may contribute to its future development or maintenance or to its future development or maintenance of another tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure relationship: has_part CL:0000034 ! stem cell [Term] id: AEO:0000132 name: transitional anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003132 def: "An embryonic anatomical entity that will turn into one or more other anatomical entities, perhaps with other anatomical entities, later in development." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000135 name: ganglion namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003135 def: "A group of neurons, usually outside the CNS, which relay neuronal signals." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000123 ! neural tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000136 name: neuronal nucleus namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003136 def: "A localised domain of predominantly neuronal tissue in the central nervous system." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0001012 ! neuronal grey matter relationship: has_part CL:0000127 ! astrocyte relationship: has_part CL:0000128 ! oligodendrocyte relationship: has_part CL:0000129 ! microglial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000137 name: nerve namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003137 def: "A group of neurons that provides a nervous supply." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000123 ! neural tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000138 name: nerve plexus namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003138 def: "A complex of interconnecting nerves." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000123 ! neural tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000526 ! afferent neuron relationship: has_part CL:0000527 ! efferent neuron [Term] id: AEO:0000139 name: nerve fiber tract namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003139 def: "A fasciculated bundle of neuron projections, largely or completely lacking synapses." [CARO:0001001, GO:0043005] synonym: "neuron projection bundle" RELATED [GO:0043005] is_a: AEO:0001011 ! neuronal white matter [Term] id: AEO:0000140 name: striated muscle tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003140 def: "A tissue composed of striated muscle cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000122 ! muscle tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell [Term] id: AEO:0000141 name: smooth muscle tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003141 def: "A tissue composed of smooth muscle cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000122 ! muscle tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell [Term] id: AEO:0000142 name: cardiac muscle tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003142 def: "A tissue composed of cardiac muscle cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000122 ! muscle tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000746 ! cardiac muscle cell [Term] id: AEO:0000143 name: smooth muscle sphincter namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003143 def: "A ring of smooth muscle cells whose contraction closes the opening of the ring." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000141 ! smooth muscle tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000192 ! smooth muscle cell [Term] id: AEO:0000144 name: striated muscle sphincter namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003144 def: "A ring of striated muscle cells whose contraction closes the opening of the ring." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000140 ! striated muscle tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell [Term] id: AEO:0000145 name: mesenchymal tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003145 def: "A group of not-yet-terminally-differentiatied cells that can pack in three dimensions." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: AEO:0000146 name: dense mesenchyme tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003146 def: "Mesenchyme with little extracellular matrix." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000145 ! mesenchymal tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000057 ! fibroblast [Term] id: AEO:0000147 name: cartilagenous condensation namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003147 def: "Cell condensation that is an aggregation of mesenchymal cells that are committed to differentiate into chondroblasts and chondrocytes." [AEO:JB, GO:curator, VAO:0000092] is_a: AEO:0000148 ! developing mesenchymal condensation relationship: has_part CL:0000058 ! chondroblast [Term] id: AEO:0000148 name: developing mesenchymal condensation namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003148 def: "A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000146 ! dense mesenchyme tissue is_a: AEO:0001016 ! developing mesenchymal structure relationship: has_part CL:0000335 ! mesenchyme condensation cell [Term] id: AEO:0000149 name: pre-muscle condensation namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003149 def: "A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme whose cells are committed to become myoblasts." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000148 ! developing mesenchymal condensation relationship: has_part CL:0000680 ! muscle precursor cell [Term] id: AEO:0000150 name: pre-cartilage condensation namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003150 def: "A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme whose cells are committed to become chondroblasts." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000148 ! developing mesenchymal condensation relationship: has_part CL:0000335 ! mesenchyme condensation cell [Term] id: AEO:0000151 name: loose mesenchyme tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003151 def: "Mesenchyme whose cells are embedded in obvious amounts fo extracellular matrix." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000145 ! mesenchymal tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000057 ! fibroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell [Term] id: AEO:0000152 name: migrating mesenchyme population namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003152 def: "Mesenchymal cells that are migrating." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000145 ! mesenchymal tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal cell [Term] id: AEO:0000153 name: mesenchymal tissue with stem cells namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003153 def: "Multi-tissue mesenchymal structure one of whose parts contains stem cells that can replace other parts." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000187 ! multi-tissue structure with stem cells [Term] id: AEO:0000154 name: organism surfacef namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003154 def: "The collection of structures that form the exxtenal covering of the organism." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000032 ! organism subdivision [Term] id: AEO:0000161 name: groove namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003161 alt_id: UBERON:0006846 alt_id: ZFA:0001690 def: "A furrow or an incomplete tube." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical surface [Term] id: AEO:0000162 name: ridge namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003162 def: "A raised strip of tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical surface [Term] id: AEO:0000168 name: skeletal system namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003168 def: "The rigid support system for the body." [AEO:JB, VAO:0000027] is_a: CARO:0000011 ! anatomical system [Term] id: AEO:0000169 name: embryo namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003169 alt_id: UBERON:0000922 alt_id: ZFA:0001105 def: "That part of the conceptus that will form the organism." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000012 ! multi-cellular organism relationship: part_of AEO:0000194 ! conceptus [Term] id: AEO:0000170 name: anlage namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003170 def: "Anlagen are populations of contiguous cells, typically arranged in one plane, that are morphologically indistinct, but that already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000171 name: primordium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003171 def: "Primordia are populations of contiguous cells that are morphologically distinct and already correspond in extent to a later organ/tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000172 name: limb namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003172 def: "Appendage of an animal used for locomotion or grasping." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000193 ! appendage [Term] id: AEO:0000173 name: surface sense organ namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003173 def: "Multicellular anatomical structure with largely bona fide boundary that extends outwards from or is part of the organism surface and transduces some sensory stimulus to the nervous system." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000094 ! sense organ relationship: part_of AEO:0000154 ! organism surfacef [Term] id: AEO:0000174 name: gender-specific anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003174 def: "A part of the body present only in a specific gender." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000175 name: male anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003175 def: "A part of the body present only in males." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000174 ! gender-specific anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000176 name: female anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003176 def: "A part of the body present only in females." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000174 ! gender-specific anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000177 name: hermaphrodite anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003177 def: "A part of the body present only in hermaphrodites." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000174 ! gender-specific anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000178 name: fibrous joint namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003178 def: "A flexible joint between two bones that is made of unossified connective tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000081 ! matrix-based tissue relationship: has_part CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000179 name: joint-associated cartilage namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003179 def: "The articular cartilage covering of the region of bone within a synoval joint." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000087 ! cartilage relationship: has_part CL:0000058 ! chondroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000138 ! chondrocyte relationship: part_of AEO:0000083 ! endochondral bone relationship: part_of AEO:0000183 ! synovial joint [Term] id: AEO:0000180 name: non-joint-associated cartilage namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003180 def: "Cartilage that may provide the template for an endochondral bone or that may be a disinct entity in the skeleton." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000087 ! cartilage relationship: has_part CL:0000058 ! chondroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000138 ! chondrocyte relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000181 name: synovial membrane namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003181 def: "The epithelial membrane between bone ends that forms the lateral borders of the synovial cavity and secretes synovial fluid." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000069 ! multilaminar epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000079 ! stratified epithelial cell relationship: part_of AEO:0000183 ! synovial joint [Term] id: AEO:0000183 name: synovial joint namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003183 def: "A joint connecting two or more bones with cartilage at the bone ends and a synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid conecting the bones and sealing the synovial cavity." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000185 name: exoskeletal tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003185 def: "A component of the exoskeleton." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000081 ! matrix-based tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000658 ! cuticle secreting cell relationship: part_of AEO:0000168 ! skeletal system [Term] id: AEO:0000186 name: body cavity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003186 alt_id: UBERON:0002323 def: "The cavity within the body that contains the visceral organs." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000005 ! anatomical space [Term] id: AEO:0000187 name: multi-tissue structure with stem cells namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003187 def: "Multi-tissue structure one of whose parts contains stem cells that can replace other parts." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: AEO:0000188 name: acellular fluid anatomical entity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003188 def: "An acellular fluid portion of organism substance that is produced by the organism for some non-waste purpose." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000040 ! acellular anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000189 name: epithelial tissue with stem cells namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003189 def: "Multi-tissue epithelial structure one of whose parts contains stem cells that can replace other parts." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000187 ! multi-tissue structure with stem cells [Term] id: AEO:0000192 name: anatomical surface feature namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003010 def: "Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "anatomical surface." RELATED [] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: AEO:0000193 name: appendage namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003193 alt_id: UBERON:0000026 def: "Organ or organ part that is attached to the body of an organism. For example a limb[GO, modified]. An appendage is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body, such as a vertebrate's limbs." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000032 ! organism subdivision [Term] id: AEO:0000194 name: conceptus namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003205 def: "All the products of the fertilized egg." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000012 ! multi-cellular organism [Term] id: AEO:0000195 name: extraembryonic component namespace: def: "The part of the conceptus that may be lost before birth or will be discarded at birth, or when the embryo becomes an independent organism." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure relationship: part_of AEO:0000194 ! conceptus [Term] id: AEO:0000196 name: larval anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: HDAA2:0003126 def: "An anatomical structure present in the larval form of an animal." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure relationship: part_of AEO:0000126 ! larva [Term] id: AEO:0000198 name: antenna namespace: def: "A head-associated surface sense organ." [CARO:MAH] is_a: AEO:0000173 ! surface sense organ relationship: part_of AEO:0000106 ! head relationship: part_of AEO:0000154 ! organism surfacef [Term] id: AEO:0000199 name: mucous membrane namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003234 def: "A membranous structure with more than one cell type, one or more of which secretes mucus, that lines body passages which communicate with the exterior." [AEO:JB] synonym: "mucosa" RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: AEO:0000200 name: regenerating anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003233 def: "An anatomical structure that, as part of its normal physiology, undergoes regeneration. Examples include endometrium and antlers." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000201 name: afferent nerve namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003200 def: "A group of neurons that provides a nervous response from a tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000137 ! nerve relationship: has_part CL:0000526 ! afferent neuron [Term] id: AEO:0000202 name: efferent nerve namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003231 def: "A group of neurons that provides a nervous signal to a tissue." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000137 ! nerve relationship: has_part CL:0000527 ! efferent neuron [Term] id: AEO:0000203 name: syncytium namespace: alt_id: HDAA2:0003248 def: "An anatomical entity consisting of a single or a few multinucleated structures." [AEO.:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000228 ! multinucleate cell [Term] id: AEO:0000204 name: pit namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:003249 def: "An roughly circular indentation in a surface." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical surface [Term] id: AEO:0000205 name: protuberance namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003250 def: "A roughly circular bulge in a surface." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000010 ! anatomical surface [Term] id: AEO:0000206 name: migrating epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003251 def: "An epithelium that extends its surface area by peripheral movement." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000207 name: blood vessel namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003252 def: "An epithelial tube that transports blood." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000114 ! epithelial tube relationship: has_part CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000208 name: artery namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003253 def: "An epithelial tube that transports blood away from the heart." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000207 ! blood vessel relationship: has_part CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000209 name: vein namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003254 def: "An epithelial tube that transports blood towards the heart." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000207 ! blood vessel relationship: has_part CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000210 name: row namespace: alt_id: FBbt:00100152 alt_id: HDAA2:0003255 def: "Anatomical group whose component structures are arranged in a row." [DBft:DOS] is_a: CARO:0000054 ! anatomical group [Term] id: AEO:0000211 name: non-connected developing functional system namespace: alt_id: FBbt:0004003 alt_id: HDAA2:0003256 def: "The sum of all the anlagen and primordia that will develop into a single functional system." [FBbt:DOS] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure is_a: CARO:0000041 ! anatomical cluster [Term] id: AEO:0000212 name: sclerotome namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003257 def: "The mesenchymal derivative of a somite that will migrate to surround the neural tube and form vertebrae." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000152 ! migrating mesenchyme population is_a: AEO:0001016 ! developing mesenchymal structure relationship: has_part CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal cell [Term] id: AEO:0000213 name: bone condensation namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003258 def: "A delimited region of osteoblasts representing the early stages of bone formation." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000148 ! developing mesenchymal condensation relationship: has_part CL:0000062 ! osteoblast [Term] id: AEO:0000214 name: dermomyotome namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003259 def: "The bilaminar epithelium formed from the myotome and dermatome." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000132 ! transitional anatomical structure is_a: CARO:0000069 ! multilaminar epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000215 name: open cavity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003078 def: "A volume that is mainly bounded but has an opening to another cavity or to the outside." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000221 ! open anatomical space [Term] id: AEO:0000216 name: epithelial cord namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004052 def: "A cord of epithelial cells without a lumen and usually several cells thick." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000079 ! stratified epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000217 name: migrating developing tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004053 def: "A simple coherent tissue or a localized population of similar cells that are actively migrating." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0000218 name: developing epithelial placode namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003112 def: "A domain of columnar epithelium in an embryo that represents the early stage of the development of the epithelial component of a new anatomical structure." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0001007 ! developing epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000219 name: vascular plexus namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004112 def: "A network of interlinked veins." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000118 ! epithelial plexus relationship: has_part CL:0000071 ! blood vessel endothelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0000220 name: tooth namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004605 def: "Each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: AEO:0000221 name: open anatomical space namespace: def: "An anatomical space with at least one opening to another space or the exterior." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000005 ! anatomical space [Term] id: AEO:0000222 name: enclosed anatomical space namespace: def: "An anatomical space with no opening to another space or to the exterior." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000005 ! anatomical space [Term] id: AEO:0000493 name: fat tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003120 def: "Tissue that is predominantly made of fat cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000136 ! fat cell [Term] id: AEO:0001000 name: sensory ganglion namespace: def: "A ganglion containing sensory neurons." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000135 ! ganglion relationship: has_part CL:0000101 ! sensory neuron relationship: has_part CL:0000243 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_part CL:0002573 ! Schwann cell [Term] id: AEO:0001001 name: autonomic ganglion namespace: def: "A ganglion that is part of the autonomic nervous system." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000135 ! ganglion relationship: has_part CL:0000107 ! autonomic neuron relationship: has_part CL:0000243 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) relationship: has_part CL:0000526 ! afferent neuron relationship: has_part CL:0000527 ! efferent neuron relationship: has_part CL:0002573 ! Schwann cell [Term] id: AEO:0001002 name: capillary bed namespace: def: "A localized group of blood capillaries." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000118 ! epithelial plexus [Term] id: AEO:0001003 name: acellular extracellular matrix namespace: def: "An acellular structure typically composed of collagen, glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000040 ! acellular anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0001004 name: fin namespace: def: "A flattened appendage on a marine animal." [JB:AEO, VAO:0000099] is_a: AEO:0000193 ! appendage [Term] id: AEO:0001005 name: secretion namespace: alt_id: UBERON:0000456 def: "A non-cellular substance released by a cell, gland or tissue." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000004 ! non-tissue substance [Term] id: AEO:0001006 name: excreta namespace: alt_id: UBERON:0000174 def: "Excreta are bodily fluids consisting of waste matter, such as sweat or feces, discharged from the body." [JB:AEO] is_a: CARO:0000004 ! non-tissue substance [Term] id: AEO:0001007 name: developing epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004653 def: "An epithelium within an embryo or larva that is undergoing a major developmental change." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium [Term] id: AEO:0001008 name: neuroepithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004654 def: "An embryonic or larval epithelium that is committed to form part of the nervous system." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0001007 ! developing epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0001009 name: proliferating neuroepithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004655 def: "An epithelium that is undergoing proliferation to provide large numbers of neuronal cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0001008 ! neuroepithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: AEO:0001010 name: differentiating neuroepithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004656 def: "A neuroepithelium some of whose cells are undergoing terminal differentiation to become neuronal cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0001008 ! neuroepithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000031 ! neuroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000468 ! neuroglioblast [Term] id: AEO:0001011 name: neuronal white matter namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004657 def: "Neuronal tissue composed predominantly of axons." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000123 ! neural tissue [Term] id: AEO:0001012 name: neuronal grey matter namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004658 def: "A neuronal tissue composed predominantly of nerve bodies and neuronal support cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000123 ! neural tissue [Term] id: AEO:0001013 name: neuronal column namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004659 def: "An extended columnar domain of predominantly neuronal tissue in the central nervous system." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0001012 ! neuronal grey matter relationship: has_part CL:0000127 ! astrocyte relationship: has_part CL:0000128 ! oligodendrocyte relationship: has_part CL:0000129 ! microglial cell [Term] id: AEO:0001014 name: differentiating neuronal condensation namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0004660 def: "A compact group of cells differentiating to become a ganglion or a neuronal nucleus." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure relationship: has_part CL:0000031 ! neuroblast relationship: has_part CL:0000468 ! neuroglioblast [Term] id: AEO:0001015 name: somite namespace: def: "An epithelial ball that forms from paraxial mesoderm." [JB:AEO] is_a: AEO:0000119f ! epithelial vesicle [Term] id: AEO:0001016 name: developing mesenchymal structure namespace: def: "A mesenchyme-derived anatomical entity undergoing a transtion to become another structure." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0001017 name: dermatome namespace: def: "A transitional population of migrating mesenchymal cells that derive from somites and that will become dermal cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000217 ! migrating developing tissue is_a: AEO:0001016 ! developing mesenchymal structure [Term] id: AEO:0001018 name: myotome namespace: def: "A transitional population of migrating mesenchymal cells that derive from somites and that will become muscle cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000217 ! migrating developing tissue is_a: AEO:0001016 ! developing mesenchymal structure [Term] id: AEO:0001019 name: developing germ cell population namespace: def: "A germ cell population that has not undergone meiosis." [AEO:JB] is_a: AEO:0000125 ! developing anatomical structure [Term] id: AEO:0001020 name: reproductive cell population namespace: def: "A population of cells that are predominantly immature or mature germ cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue relationship: has_part CL:0000039 ! germ line cell [Term] id: AEO:0001021 name: stem cell population namespace: def: "A group of cells capable of regenerating themselves and also of producing one or more populations of differentiated cells." [AEO:JB] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: CARO:0000000 name: anatomical entity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003000 alt_id: UBERON:0001062 def: "Biological entity that is either an individual member of a biological species or constitutes the structural organization of an individual member of a biological species." [CARO:MAH] [Term] id: CARO:0000003 name: anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003003 alt_id: UBERON:0000061 def: "Material anatomical entity that has inherent 3D shape and is generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000004 name: non-tissue substance namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003004 alt_id: UBERON:0000463 def: "Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "portion of organism substance" RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000006 ! material anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000005 name: anatomical space namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003005 alt_id: UBERON:0000464 def: "Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000006 name: material anatomical entity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003006 alt_id: UBERON:0000465 def: "Anatomical entity that has mass." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000007 name: immaterial anatomical entity namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003007 alt_id: UBERON:0000466 def: "Anatomical entity that has no mass." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000008 name: anatomical line namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003008 def: "Non-material anatomical entity of one dimension, which forms a boundary of an anatomical surface or is a modulation of an anatomical surface." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000009 name: anatomical point namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003009 def: "Non-material anatomical entity of zero dimension, which forms a boundary of an anatomical line or surface." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000010 name: anatomical surface namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003192 alt_id: UBERON:0000015 def: "Non-material anatomical entity of two dimensions, that is demarcated by anatomical lines or points on the external or internal surfaces of anatomical structures." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000007 ! immaterial anatomical entity [Term] id: CARO:0000011 name: anatomical system namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003011 def: "Anatomical group that is has as its parts distinct anatomical structures interconnected by anatomical structures at a lower level of granularity." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000054 ! anatomical group [Term] id: CARO:0000012 name: multi-cellular organism namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003191 alt_id: UBERON:0000468 def: "Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell." [JB:DEF] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000013 name: cell namespace: def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000014 name: cell component namespace: def: "Anatomical structure that is a direct part of the cell." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure relationship: part_of CARO:0000013 ! cell [Term] id: CARO:0000019 name: compound organ component namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003019 def: "Multi-tissue structure that is part of a compound organ." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure relationship: part_of CARO:0000024 ! compound organ [Term] id: CARO:0000021 name: simple organ namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003190 def: "Multi-tissue structure that is not part of a compound organ." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000055 ! multi-tissue structure [Term] id: CARO:0000024 name: compound organ namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003024 def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more multi-tissue structures of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona fide boundaries from other distinct anatomical structures of different types." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000027 name: male organism namespace: def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce male gametes." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000048 ! gonochoristic organism [Term] id: CARO:0000028 name: female organism namespace: def: "Gonochoristic organism that can produce female gametes." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000048 ! gonochoristic organism [Term] id: CARO:0000029 name: hermaphroditic organism namespace: def: "Multi-cellular organism that can produce both male and female gametes." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "dioecious organism" RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000012 ! multi-cellular organism [Term] id: CARO:0000032 name: organism subdivision namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003032 alt_id: UBERON:0000475 def: "Anatomical structure which is a primary subdivision of whole organism. The mereological sum of these is the whole organism." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000040 name: acellular anatomical structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003040 alt_id: UBERON:0000476 def: "Anatomical structure that consists of cell parts and cell substances and together does not constitute a cell or a tissue." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000041 name: anatomical cluster namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003041 alt_id: UBERON:0000477 def: "Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another. Anatomical structure, which has as its parts a heterogeneous collection of organs, organ parts, cells or body part subdivisions that are adjacent to, or continuous with one another; does not constitute an organ, organ system or organ system subdivision, or body part or body part subdivision." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000054 ! anatomical group [Term] id: CARO:0000042 name: extraembryonic structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003042 alt_id: UBERON:0000478 def: "Anatomical structure that is contiguous with the embryo and is comprised of portions of tissue or cells that will not contribute to the embryo." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000043 name: simple tissue namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003043 alt_id: UBERON:0000479 def: "Anatomical structure, that consists of similar cells and intercellular matrix, aggregated according to genetically determined spatial relationships." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "portion of tissue." RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000045 name: sequential hermaphroditic organism namespace: def: "Hermaphroditic organism that produces gametes first of one sex, and then later of the other sex." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "consecutive hermaphroditic organism" RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000029 ! hermaphroditic organism [Term] id: CARO:0000046 name: synchronous hermaphroditic organism namespace: def: "Hermaphroditic organism that produces both male and female gametes at the same time." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "serially hermaphroditic organism" RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000029 ! hermaphroditic organism [Term] id: CARO:0000048 name: gonochoristic organism namespace: def: "Multi-cellular organism that has male and female sexes." [CARO:MAH] synonym: "monoecious organism" RELATED [] is_a: CARO:0000012 ! multi-cellular organism [Term] id: CARO:0000049 name: protandrous hermaphroditic organism namespace: def: "Sequential hermaphroditic organism that produces gametes first of the male sex, and then later of the female sex." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000045 ! sequential hermaphroditic organism [Term] id: CARO:0000050 name: protogynous hermaphroditic organism namespace: def: "Sequential hermaphroditic organism that produces gametes first of the female sex, and then later of the male sex." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000045 ! sequential hermaphroditic organism [Term] id: CARO:0000054 name: anatomical group namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003054 alt_id: UBERON:0000480 def: "Anatomical structure consisting of at least two non-overlapping organs, multi-tissue aggregates or portion of tissues or cells of different types that does not constitute an organism, organ, multi-tissue aggregate, or portion of tissue." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000055 name: multi-tissue structure namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003055 alt_id: UBERON:0000481 def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundaries from other distinct structural units of different types." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000003 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CARO:0000062 name: cell space namespace: def: "Anatomical space that is part of a cell." [CARO:mah] is_a: CARO:0000005 ! anatomical space [Term] id: CARO:0000063 name: asexual organism namespace: def: "Multi-cellular organism that does not produce gametes." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000012 ! multi-cellular organism [Term] id: CARO:0000064 name: single cell organism namespace: def: "Cell that is an individual member of a species." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000013 ! cell [Term] id: CARO:0000065 name: basal lamina namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003065 def: "Acellular anatomical structure that consists of a thin sheet of fibrous proteins that underlie and support the cells of an epithelium. It separates the cells of an epithelium from any underlying tissue." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000040 ! acellular anatomical structure relationship: part_of CARO:0000066 ! epithelium [Term] id: CARO:0000066 name: epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003066 def: "Portion of tissue, that consists of one or more layers of epithelial cells connected to each other by cell junctions and which is underlain by a basal lamina." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000043 ! simple tissue [Term] id: CARO:0000067 name: simple cuboidal epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003067 def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000073 ! unilaminar epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000075 ! columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell [Term] id: CARO:0000068 name: columnar epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003068 def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of columnar cells." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000073 ! unilaminar epithelium [Term] id: CARO:0000069 name: multilaminar epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003069 def: "Epithelium that consists of more than one layer of epithelial cells." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium [Term] id: CARO:0000070 name: simple squamous epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003070 def: "Unilaminar epithelium that consists of a single layer of squamous cells." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000073 ! unilaminar epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell [Term] id: CARO:0000071 name: atypical epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003071 def: "Epithelium that consists of epithelial cells not arranged in one ore more layers." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium relationship: has_part CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell [Term] id: CARO:0000072 name: cavitated compound organ namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003072 def: "Compound organ that contains one or more macroscopic anatomical spaces." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000024 ! compound organ [Term] id: CARO:0000073 name: unilaminar epithelium namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003073 def: "Epithelium that consists of a single layer of epithelial cells." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000066 ! epithelium [Term] id: CARO:0000074 name: solid compound organ namespace: alt_id: EHDAA2:0003074 def: "Compound organ that does not contain macroscopic anatomical spaces." [CARO:MAH] is_a: CARO:0000024 ! compound organ [Term] id: CARO:0000077 name: epithelial cell namespace: def: "Cell which has as its part a cytoskeleton that allows for tight cell to cell contact and which has apical-basal cell polarity." [CARO:MAH, CL:0000066] is_a: CARO:0000013 ! cell [Term] id: CL:0000000 name: cell namespace: cell def: "Anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [CARO:mah] [Term] id: CL:0000003 name: cell in vivo namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CL:0000012 name: cell by class namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000003 ! cell in vivo [Term] id: CL:0000015 name: male germ cell namespace: cell def: "A germline cell that contributes to the development of the oocyte by transferring cytoplasm directly to oocyte." [GOC:tfm, PMID:15848391] synonym: "nurse cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000586 ! germ cell [Term] id: CL:0000021 name: female germ cell namespace: cell def: "Female germ cell is a germ cell that supports female gamete production." [GOC:tfm, PMID:11023867, PMID:20454446] is_a: CL:0000586 ! germ cell [Term] id: CL:0000029 name: neuron neural crest derived namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000031 name: neuroblast namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell [Term] id: CL:0000034 name: stem cell namespace: cell def: "A relatively undifferentiated cell that retains the ability to divide and proliferate throughout life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells." [GOC:tfm, MESH:A.11.872] is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0000039 name: germ line cell namespace: cell def: "A cell that is within the developmental lineage of gametes and is able to pass along its genetic material to offspring." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] comment: Originally this term had some plant germ line cell children is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0000055 name: non-terminally differentiated cell namespace: cell def: "A precursor cell with a limited number of potential fates." [SANBI:mhl] synonym: "blast cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000012 ! cell by class [Term] id: CL:0000057 name: fibroblast namespace: cell def: "A connective tissue cell which secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules. Flattened and irregular in outline with branching processes; appear fusiform or spindle-shaped." [, ISBN:0517223651, MESH:A.11.329.228] is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell [Term] id: CL:0000058 name: chondroblast namespace: cell def: "An immature cartilage-producing cell found in growing cartilage." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] synonym: "chrondoplast" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0000667 ! collagen secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000062 name: osteoblast namespace: cell def: "A bone-forming cell which secretes an extracellular matrix. Hydroxyapatite crystals are then deposited into the matrix to form bone." [MESH:A.11.329.629] is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell [Term] id: CL:0000063 name: cell by histology namespace: cell def: "A classification of cells by their microscopic appearance." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000012 ! cell by class [Term] id: CL:0000066 name: epithelial cell namespace: cell def: "A cell that is usually found in a two-dimensional sheet with a free surface. The cell has a cytoskeleton that allows for tight cell to cell contact and for cell polarity where apical part is directed towards the lumen and the basal part to the basal lamina." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm, MESH:A.11.436] synonym: "Epitheliocyte" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000063 ! cell by histology [Term] id: CL:0000068 name: duct epithelial cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0000071 name: blood vessel endothelial cell namespace: cell def: "An endothelial cell that lines the vasculature." [GOC:tfm] synonym: "Cuboidal endothelial cell of vascular tree" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000076 ! squamous epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0000075 name: columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0000076 name: squamous epithelial cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell [Term] id: CL:0000079 name: stratified epithelial cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0000080 name: circulating cell namespace: cell def: "A cell which moves among different tissues of the body, via blood, lymph, or other medium." [GOC:add] is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0000081 name: blood cell namespace: cell def: "A cell found predominately in the blood." [GOC:add, GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000988 ! hematopoietic cell [Term] id: CL:0000095 name: neuron associated cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0002319 ! neural cell [Term] id: CL:0000099 name: interneuron namespace: cell def: "Most generally any neuron which is not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose axons remain within a particular brain region as contrasted with projection neurons which have axons projecting to other brain regions." [GOC:tfm, MESH:A.08.663.358] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000101 name: sensory neuron namespace: cell def: "Any neuron having a sensory function; an afferent neuron conveying sensory impulses." [ISBN:0721662544] is_a: CL:0000526 ! afferent neuron [Term] id: CL:0000107 name: autonomic neuron namespace: cell def: "A neruon whose cell body is within an autonomic ganglion." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000125 name: glial cell namespace: cell def: "A non-neuronal cell of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons." [MESH:A.08.637] synonym: "neuroglia" RELATED [] synonym: "neuroglial cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000095 ! neuron associated cell [Term] id: CL:0000126 name: macroglial cell namespace: cell def: "A neuroglial cell of ectodermal origin, i.e., the astrocytes and oligodendrocytes considered together." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] synonym: "Macrogliocyte" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000243 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) [Term] id: CL:0000127 name: astrocyte namespace: cell def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system - the largest and most numerous neuroglial cells in the brain and spinal cord. Astrocytes (from 'star' cells) are irregularly shaped with many long processes, including those with 'end feet' which form the glial (limiting) membrane and directly and indirectly contribute to the blood-brain barrier. They regulate the extracellular ionic and chemical environment, and 'reactive astrocytes' (along with microglia) respond to injury." [GOC:_tfm, GOC:dsd, MESH:A.08.637.200, MESH:D001253, PMID:11746784, PMID:12162730, PMID:12898703, PMID:20942978] synonym: "astrocytic glia" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000128 ! oligodendrocyte [Term] id: CL:0000128 name: oligodendrocyte namespace: cell def: "A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system. Form the insulating myelin sheath of axons in the central nervous system." [MESH:A.08.637.600] synonym: "oligodendroglia" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000126 ! macroglial cell [Term] id: CL:0000129 name: microglial cell namespace: cell def: "A central nervous system macrophage found in the parenchyma of the central nervous system. Marker include CD11b-positive, F4/80-positive, and CD68-positive." [GOC:add, GOC:dsd, GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721601464, MESH:D017628, PMID:11517395, PMID:12430718, PMID:14561199, PMID:14612429, PMID:16177057, PMID:19461673, PMID:2089275] synonym: "brain macrophage" RELATED [] synonym: "brain-resident macrophage" RELATED [] synonym: "hortega cells" RELATED [] synonym: "MF.microglia.CNS" RELATED [] synonym: "microglia" RELATED [] synonym: "microgliocyte" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000243 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) [Term] id: CL:0000134 name: mesenchymal cell namespace: cell alt_id: CL:0002452 def: "A connective tissue cell that normally gives rise to other cells that are organized as three-dimensional masses. This cell type is CD73-positive, CD90-positive, CD105-positive, CD45-negative, CD34-negative, and MHCII-negative. They may further differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes, myocytes, neurons, or chondroblasts in vitro. Originally described as residing in the bone marrow, this cell type is now known to reside in many, if not all, adult organs." [FB:ma, GOC:dsd,,, PMCID:PMC2613570, PMID:10102814j, PMID:16923606, PMID:_17986482, PMID:_19960544] synonym: "BMSC" RELATED [] synonym: "bone marrow stromal cells" RELATED [] synonym: "CFU-F" RELATED [] synonym: "colony-forming unit-fibroblast" RELATED [] synonym: "marrow stromal cells" RELATED [PMID:11378515] synonym: "mesenchymal precursor cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mesenchymal progenitor cells" RELATED [MESH:D044982] synonym: "mesenchymal stem cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mesenchymal stromal cell" RELATED [] synonym: "mesenchymal stromal cells" RELATED [] synonym: "MSC" RELATED [PMID:11378515] synonym: "Stem Cells, Mesenchymal" RELATED [MESH:D044982] is_a: CL:0000063 ! cell by histology [Term] id: CL:0000136 name: fat cell namespace: cell alt_id: CL:0000450 def: "A fat-storing cell found mostly in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue of mammals. Fat is usually stored in the form of triglycerides." [MESH:A.11.329.114] synonym: "adipocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "adipose cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell [Term] id: CL:0000138 name: chondrocyte namespace: cell def: "Polymorphic cell that form cartilage." [MESH:A.11.329.171] synonym: "cartilage cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000667 ! collagen secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000144 name: cell by function namespace: cell def: "A classification of cells by their primary end goal or behavior." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000012 ! cell by class [Term] id: CL:0000151 name: secretory cell namespace: cell def: "A cell that specializes in controlled release of one or more substances." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0000165 name: neuroendocrine cell namespace: cell def: "An endocrine cell that has the specialized function to produce and secrete hormones in response to neuronal signals." [MESH:A.06.688] synonym: "neurosecretory cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000393 ! electrically responsive cell [Term] id: CL:0000187 name: muscle cell namespace: cell def: "A mature contractile cell, commonly known as a myocyte. This cell has as part of its cytoplasm myofibrils organized in various patterns." [MESH:A.11.620] synonym: "myocyte" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000393 ! electrically responsive cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0000188 name: skeletal muscle cell namespace: cell def: "A somatic cell located in skeletal muscle." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000192 name: smooth muscle cell namespace: cell alt_id: CL:0000191 def: "A non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cell found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They develop from specialized myoblasts (smooth muscle myoblast)." [MESH:A.11.620.520, MESH:D032389, PMID:9315361] synonym: "myocytes, smooth muscle" RELATED [MESH:D032389] synonym: "non-striated muscle cell" RELATED [] synonym: "SMCs" RELATED [PMID:9315361] synonym: "smooth muscle fiber" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000196 name: flight muscle cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000211 name: electrically active cell namespace: cell def: "A cell whose function is determined by the generation or the reception of an electric signal." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0000224 name: cell by nuclear number namespace: cell def: "A classification of cells by the number of their nuclei." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000012 ! cell by class [Term] id: CL:0000228 name: multinucleate cell namespace: cell def: "A cell with more than one nucleus." [FB:ma] synonym: "syncitium" RELATED [] synonym: "syncytial cell" RELATED [] synonym: "syncytium" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0002242 ! nucleate cell [Term] id: CL:0000243 name: glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) namespace: cell def: "A non-neuronal cell of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu. Form the myelin insulation of nervous pathways, guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons. Neuroglia have high-affinity transmitter uptake systems, voltage-dependent and transmitter-gated ion channels, and can release transmitters, but their role in signaling (as in many other functions) is unclear." [MESH:A.08.637] is_a: CL:0000125 ! glial cell [Term] id: CL:0000327 name: extracellular matrix secreting cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000151 ! secretory cell is_a: CL:0000499 ! stromal cell [Term] id: CL:0000335 name: mesenchyme condensation cell namespace: cell def: "A mesenchymal cell in embryonic development found in a contracting mass and that gives rise to osteoprogenitors." [GOC:tfm, PMID:5025404] is_a: CL:0000134 ! mesenchymal cell [Term] id: CL:0000393 name: electrically responsive cell namespace: cell def: "A cell whose function is determined by its response to an electric signal." [FB:ma] is_a: CL:0000211 ! electrically active cell [Term] id: CL:0000414 name: cell by ploidy namespace: cell def: "A classification of cells by the number of haploid genome equivalents of their nucleus or nuclei." [FB:ma, GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000012 ! cell by class [Term] id: CL:0000444 name: obliquely striated muscle cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000445 name: apoptosis fated cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0000468 name: neuroglioblast namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell [Term] id: CL:0000499 name: stromal cell namespace: cell def: "A connective tissue cell of an organ found in the loose connective tissue. These are most often associated with the uterine mucosa and the ovary as well as the hematopoietic system and elsewhere." [GOC:tfm, MESH:A.11.329.830] is_a: CL:0002320 ! connective tissue cell [Term] id: CL:0000525 name: syncytiotrophoblast cell namespace: cell def: "A cell from the outer syncytial layer of the trophoblast of an early mammalian embryo. It It secretes hCG in order to maintain progesterone secretion and sustain a pregnancy." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908] synonym: "plasmidotrophoblast" RELATED [] synonym: "syncytial trophoblast" RELATED [] synonym: "syntrophoblast" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000228 ! multinucleate cell [Term] id: CL:0000526 name: afferent neuron namespace: cell def: "A neuron which conveys sensory information centrally from the periphery." [GOC:tfm, MESH:A.08.663.650] synonym: "input neuron" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000527 name: efferent neuron namespace: cell def: "A neuron which sends impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells." [MESH:A.08.663.655] synonym: "output neuron" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000540 ! neuron [Term] id: CL:0000540 name: neuron namespace: cell def: "The basic cellular unit of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the nervous system." [MESH:A.08.663, MESH:D009474] synonym: "nerve cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000393 ! electrically responsive cell [Term] id: CL:0000586 name: germ cell namespace: cell def: "The reproductive cell in multicellular organisms." [MESH:A.05.360.490] is_a: CL:0000039 ! germ line cell [Term] id: CL:0000658 name: cuticle secreting cell namespace: cell def: "An epithelial cell that secretes cuticle." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000066 ! epithelial cell is_a: CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000667 name: collagen secreting cell namespace: cell def: "An extracellular matrix secreting cell that secretes collagen." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000327 ! extracellular matrix secreting cell [Term] id: CL:0000670 name: primordial germ cell namespace: cell def: "A primordial germ cell is a diploid germ cell precursors that transiently exist in the embryo before they enter into close association with the somatic cells of the gonad and become irreversibly committed as germ cells." [GOC:tfm, PMID:1381289] synonym: "Gonocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "Primitive germ cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000039 ! germ line cell [Term] id: CL:0000680 name: muscle precursor cell namespace: cell is_a: CL:0000055 ! non-terminally differentiated cell is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0000737 name: striated muscle cell namespace: cell def: "Muscle cell which has as its direct parts myofilaments organized into sarcomeres." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] is_a: CL:0000187 ! muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000746 name: cardiac muscle cell namespace: cell def: "A myocyte located in the heart. The contractile fiber resembles those of skeletal muscle but are only one third as large in diameter, are richer in sarcoplasm, and contain centrally located instead of peripheral nuclei." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908] synonym: "cardiac myocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "cardiocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "cardiomyocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "heart muscle cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0000988 name: hematopoietic cell namespace: cell def: "A cell of a hematopoietic lineage." [GO_REF:0000031, GOC:add] synonym: "haematopoietic cell" RELATED [] synonym: "haemopoietic cell" RELATED [] synonym: "hemopoietic cell" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0002242 name: nucleate cell namespace: cell def: "A cell containing at least one nucleus." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000224 ! cell by nuclear number [Term] id: CL:0002319 name: neural cell namespace: cell def: "A cell that is part of the nervous system." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0002320 name: connective tissue cell namespace: cell alt_id: CL:1000406 def: "A cell of the supporting or framework tissue of the body, arising chiefly from the embryonic mesoderm and including adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0618947256] is_a: CL:0002371 ! somatic cell [Term] id: CL:0002371 name: somatic cell namespace: cell def: "A cell of an organism that does not pass on its genetic material to the organism's offspring (i.e. a non-germ line cell)." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0721662544] is_a: CL:0000144 ! cell by function [Term] id: CL:0002372 name: myotube namespace: cell alt_id: CL:0000369 def: "A myotube is a multinucleated cells that is formed when proliferating myoblasts exit the cell cycle, differentiate and fuse." [GOC:tfm, ISBN:0323052908] synonym: "myotubule" RELATED [] synonym: "single cell sarcomere" RELATED [] synonym: "skeletal muscle fiber" RELATED [] is_a: CL:0000188 ! skeletal muscle cell is_a: CL:0000228 ! multinucleate cell is_a: CL:0000737 ! striated muscle cell [Term] id: CL:0002573 name: Schwann cell namespace: cell def: "A glial cell that ensheathes axons of neuron in the peripheral nervous system and are necessary for their maintainance and function." [GOC:tfm] is_a: CL:0000243 ! glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) [Typedef] id: derives_from name: derives_from [Typedef] id: descends name: descends [Typedef] id: develops_from name: develops_from [Typedef] id: endStage name: endStage [Typedef] id: hasMapping name: hasMapping [Typedef] id: has_part name: has_part [Typedef] id: isReferenceForMapping name: isReferenceForMapping [Typedef] id: part_of name: part_of [Typedef] id: startStage name: startStage [Typedef] id: subEventOf name: subEventOf [Typedef] id: type name: type